Julie Kornblum

Julie Kornblum

My work is a reaction to the global crisis of plastic pollution, using cast off, surplus, and waste materials. The palette is the color story of the consumer culture, deceptively bright and cheery. These materials belong solely to the modern age. Physically, they are by-products of industrialization. Conceptually, one- time-use, surplus, disposability, and waste are modern inventions. What we throw away stays around and will haunt us for who knows how long.


Julie kornblum always wanted to be an artist, but was never attracted to drawing or painting, the artworks she envisioned were rendered with fabric, thread, and yarn. From a young age, Julie was taught the rules, the rights and wrongs of fiber traditions; simultaneously, she learned to subvert the rules and traditions. She grew up in the desert outside of Mesa, Arizona in the last few years when there was no air pollution, and they could see the Milky Way from their front yard at night. The grocery stores had small brown paper bags for the fruits and vegetables you could buy only when they were in season, and you returned your soda bottles to the store to be reused at the bottling plant. Julie began to focus her work on plastic pollution learned of the issue in the North Pacific Gyre in 2003.

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MRDVMO (David Adamo)


Francesca Bandino